Useing Vinegar
Make creamy scrambled eggs: as eggs thicken when scrambling, add a tablespoon of vinegar for every two eggs.
Rub vinegar on the cut end of uncooked ham to prevent mold.
Add a tsp. of vinegar and sugar to correct a too-salty taste (in any recipe).
Pour a dash of white vinegar on a cloth and lay it over a burn, including sunburn.
Try vinegar ice cubes to clean and deodorize a garbage disposal.
Pour a cup of vinegar into the dishwasher and run the empty machine through the whole cycle to get rid of soap buildup and odors.
Use a paste of vinegar and salt to clean tarnished brass, copper, and pewter, or the scorch marks on the bottom of an iron.
Renew sponges, loofahs, dingy white socks, and dish rags by letting them soak overnight in dilute vinegar.
Remove grease and grime from fan blades, oven interiors, tops of refrigerators, etc.
Pour 1 cup vinegar into a sandwich-sized or quart-sized plastic bag and tying over a scummy shower-head for an hour. If that doesn't work, unscrew shower-head and immerse in vinegar and salt, heating if necessary.
Clean toilet bowl rings by removing water from the bowl (you can use the toilet brush as a plunger to remove it), and laying vinegar-soaked paper towels on the ring for an hour or more.
Stretch any commercial window cleaner by combining it with 1/3 water and 1/3 vinegar.
Scrub fireplace bricks with vinegar.
Decrease static or dust accumulation of plastic or vinyl surfaces by wiping them down with vinegar and water.
Use vinegar on mildewed garments that cannot take bleach.
Wash new clothes with 1/2 cup white vinegar to eliminate manufacturing chemicals.
Remove odor and perspiration or deodorant stains by spraying vinegar on underarm or collar areas.
Make nylon hose look smoother and last longer by adding a tablespoon of vinegar to the rinse water.
Get salt stains off shoes with a dilute vinegar wipe.
Stop itching from insect stings or poison ivy by dabbing or spraying with vinegar.
To cut appetite and reduce weight, drink one glass of a mixture of vinegar, honey, and grapefruit juice before meals.
Pour vinegar wherever you don't want ants to congregate.
Add it to the kids' sandbox to discourage cats from employing it. Also, spray vinegar on outdoor surfaces you want a cat to leave alone.
Get rid of rust on spigots, tools, or bolts by soaking them. If necessary, add salt or heat (caution: stinky). Wash thoroughly afterwards and/or neutralize the vinegar with baking soda; then protect with oil or WD-40.
Tighten the cane in a sagging chair by sponging it with a heated solution of 50/50 vinegar and water.
Wash skinned game (deer, squirrel, chicken, etc.) with a 50/50 vinegar/water solution to reduce the gamey taste.
Add vinegar to a pet's drinking water to discourage fleas and mange.
- Clean the microwave by boiling a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar until it steams up. Wipe clean.
- Add vinegar to a hand-pump compressed-air sprayer to kill weeds and grass growing in crevices in a patio and walkways.
- Make any dried bean dish less gassy by adding 1/4 cup vinegar to the soaking water.
- Make catsup and other condiments last longer when the bottle is almost empty by adding a little vinegar and shaking.
- Spread a cloth soaked in vinegar over a price tag you want to remove and leave overnight.
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